Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Well-no title!

Actually, I am in a s-oo-per time crunch these days, managing term-end submissions , job and studies..but just squeezed in some time to scribble down this one..coz it’s something that has made me mighty proud of myself :)
This weekend , we finally decided to clean our place..after many weeks..coz trust me it was getting unbearable to stay in a dusty, dirty carpeted room ..wherein I saw a teeny tiny bed – bug…excuse me for this one, but I do get monica-esque hyper when it comes to them …we have spent our entire summer literally living in trash bags-courtesy that painstakingly time plus patience testing (and even blood-tasting) bed-bug treatment!!

So this Saturday saw our “lets do cleaning” energies at a very high level… only to realize that our dear (read expensive and new) vacuum cleaner had stopped working- It was actually working , but the “dust-bag” wasn’t getting filled up….It took a lot of analysis, study , unscrewing, testing, cleaning, screwing it(not the other one though) up for more than 2 hrs to finally make it work… :)

I have assembled, 2 big closets, shoe racks, table , chair etc (wd the help of some frnds) in the past couple of months.. This is a phase of growing up – in every independently, handling almost all the issues- big and small, studies and jobs, paying off ur bills(on time) , and standing this cold here (sorry folks, now this cold is gonna be an inherent part of my posts for the rest of the winter I guess :) ) where one day we get up to see our washroom filled with water (yes, trust me , here too) , the other sees our kitchen full of flies..(we do keep it clean :)) , where one day the water tub is clogged, and the other our balcony door doesn’t close wen the temp outside gets damn chilly…and I cant skip mentioning about the damaged door-knob of the washroom which had to undergo a replacement coz 'A' was locked in there and we ended up calling the emergency !!!

Aren’t all these things very petty … but even these small issues , though very insignificant, do make you feel happy at times when resolved …small things also have that ability…I was surprised infact! Wonder how this “sense of accomplishment” can have such a big spectrum wherein in the lower limit can be so infinitesimally small but more importantly –easy yet satisfying...As they say; Happiness you see is just a state of mind.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

5-fast facts!!!

Five Things...small-big, noticeable-unnoticeable, after coming here, besides other important things:
1) Five things that I learned to use:
Blackberry-Bluetooth, GPS, Microwave oven, US style washing and drying machines and swipe a card for a travel in train/bus for local transportation besides many other things :)

2)Five states I saw:
Illinois, California, Pennsylvania, Indiana,Newyork (can say.. :p)

3)Five shopping malls that I hop a lot:
Macy’s, Kohl,Old Navy, JC Penny, Walmart

4) Five tings I learnt to adjust with:
French vanilla Coffee (7/11), Chai Tea Latte (Starbucks) , Doughnuts, Taqcuitoes, Cheetos

5)Five phrases/ words that I have started using often :
Gas station
Desi/ABCD/Amru/Makku/Chinki :)
Dollars/Dimes/Cents.. ofcourse :)

Enough right?..there would be many more such things that I would go on..and on..

But..but the things that I miss here….are ”innumerable” … :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Faces and places …

Hooosh…yet another submission! Masters is, trust me, one tiring job…
The assignments, projects, submissions, mid-terms, presentations, then research work…everything ties you up so much...keeps u on your toes...all the time…!!As far as my memory allows me to go back ,in the past one year, I am always answering almost every call with a “I have a submission in some time..will definitely call u back..“
My sincere apologies for the same :)
I guess this is one real patience testing of all the near and dear ones, the family and frnds..
I feel extremely sorry about it, but guess cant help …probably the only easy solution is finishing off my masters ASAP :)

Its almost a lil over two months wd my new job as a research assistant…
And it’s been dreadfully hectic probably from day 1…
It’s just in the middle of waiting for some simulation run to get over that I suddenly turn around and look back only to realize the “getting used to” feeling of once all new faces…
How P,B,R,K,M,G who once surrounded my cube have suddenly replaced by Li, Feng, Min Soo, Hiacheng, Yu-chi, Wei (yeah, enough of flaunting remembering names.. ;)) …

And leaves a stirred feeling somewhere…
The usual coffee breaks, carom and Table Tennis, breakfast-lunch-snack routine is now completely replaced by coffee-at-desk, lunch-at-desk …where work was fun…
Where your not saying anything was enough for others to understand you has replaced by me looking into faces…staring at them...trying to figure out the words they are trying to say…break them up- try to form a sentence and derive some logical sense out of it.. Arrgh!! Nevermind..this is a very normal and healthy communication! Shoosh..

There’s no zing in the dip-dip tea anymore…that extra tea bag wont serve any better…

Yes I know it takes some time to get used to a new place, new schedule, new routine, new life..and if you ask me , its pretty easy…Infact what I have realized is that its easy in the beginning coz you are all set to explore new horizons, dive into new oceans of unpredictability, and the fact that moving into a new place keeps you so busy wd the first few days.. You end up having a feeling more of exertion and exhaustion …In the course of overcoming all the initial problems..You never realize how easily you blend with the new environment, routine, people …! But suddenly, at times, for no reason, you realize that you are amidst aliens...Or probably you yourself are an alien here...
But however hard you try, to try to adjust with new faces, you tend to miss those comfort giver faces…even more… with tons of sweet memories attached to every face...

I am unwillingly putting an end to this post before I take off yet another “free flight” to India …:p coz today I want to catch up with my long yearned sleep !!!!