Wednesday, September 7, 2011

When your neck / back / ankle pains

When do you know that you have become the perfect example of staying alone independently ?
-        When you can very tactfully swoosh the big flying cockroach away from a wall in your apartment .. Trust me wasn’t that easy.  
Sorry I digressed.  
Well .. I am back after a short break from the blogoshere :)
Reason for the break ? Well –Did you ever suffer from a neck sprain ? What about back pain ? How about a pain in the ankle and toe ? Now add that all together – that’s what had happened L unfortunately to me. I was pretty sure that I might have broken something up – inside of me – bones / discs I mean !
A couple of sittings with a  chiropractor and a Docs appointment resolved my queries though. Its due to excessive computer usage – well in obviously a not so good posture.
The lessons learnt for the entire experience :
1.      Take breaks often if you are on your computer / laptop all the time.
2.      Stretch regularly.
And most importantly -
3.      Don’t draw conclusions after searching for symptoms on the internet.
I know they all sound quite obvious but we do tend to ignore them.
Also, here are few easy tips to know how you have / don’t have the following  ( as per my doc)
1.      Cervical spondylosis : Rotate your neck from left to right  (and the other way round) and if you feel as if some current is passing down your arm – you should definitely see a doc as it might be one of the very strong symptoms.
2.      Lumbar spondylosis / Herniated disc :  Lie down flat on your back. Swing one leg up in the air slowly. If this motion causes an excruciating pain in the back –know that there is something you need to worry about.
3.      plantar fasciitis: When you get up in the morning and feel immense pain in the heel when you put down your feet on the floor. The pain is too bad and you cannot really walk but subsides as you keep on walking as the day progresses then buckle up for the ankle exercises.
4.      Sciatica :  If you have unbearable pain / pinching point in your buttocks and can feel the current / tickling sensation passing down your feet , you should go and get it checked.
Some minor lifestyle alterations should go a long way.
These are just the quick points for reference. You should anyway always see a doctor and not delay if you are in any sort of pain or discomfort which is unusual or unbearable.
As they say, prevention is always better than cure.
Stay healthy, Stay happy.


Shumaila said...

I suffered from severe lower back pain a while ago, while recovering from a sprained ankle. So have an idea what you talking about. Now I do these lower back exercises that my dad forwarded- they help strengthen your lower back and help avoid future recurrences. I could forward you that mail in case you want. Hope you are feeling better though!

Keya said...

@Shumaila - Thanks so much for the concern. I do feel a lot better this week. But would definitely like to have those exercises.Could you pls send the email across ?
Thanks a lot in advance. :)

Shreesha Gopalakrishna said...