Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Beyond Time !!

You meet people in every walk of life, at every turn, diversion and exit but out of all of those, just few remain with you no matter what how and where. F.R.I.E.N.D.S.  They share joys, sorrows, success and failures – in a way they become a part of your journey of life and unknowingly a part of you – your quintessential existence. And the best part is, unlike family, they are strangers when you meet them for the first time. But you know what, when I first met S, I always knew we would hit it off. His eyes though very naughty gave me that comfort – well, in the most embarrassing and uncomfortable first interaction. S and his group were ragging me and a friend of mine. No, we weren’t juniors (and that’s why the word “embarrassing”) we had just joined the class in the second year from Electrical to EXTC. 
But, with A..Though we knew each other through common friends, it took us a while to actually get started. But anyway, it was meant to be.
I don’t really remember when did we , AKS, become the kind of friends that we are today. Maybe the Bharat Darshan (where I was playing a tourist and A a RishiMuni) or Insearch (when me and S compered the event) or the two-wheeler race we had once (I was wearing a saree). Or maybe it was the phone calls. The endless and meaningless conversations over the landlines (we dint have cell phones back then). Somewhere between the studying for the exams (over phone, mind you (I remember once A help me reproduce one very complicated circuit diagram over phone since I dint have that book)) or helping figure out the syllabus to study, or writing those record books for each other (I wrote one entire course’s record book for S, with index), helping out in the practical exams (A would help with the procedure and I would mug up all the observation tables… God, we were crazy then).
May be it was all of that. But luckily, it dint end with college.
Helping each other finding jobs, celebrating the success, caring –sharing and worrying for each other, being possessive, we did start growing up together – unknowingly. We learnt sharing the silences. Understanding without words.  Accepted each other with all the flaws. We have seen our most beautiful side and the ugliest side without being judgmental. A one point, A and S created a fictitious situation and discussed how I would react to it..And they experimented that on me and I behaved exactly the way they thought I would.
We once made a pact, sitting on a bus stop – that we will, no matter what end up settling in the same city – and we all did sign it.
I remember once S asking me the question “Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? “ And we had discussed it at length without being aware of even how long or fast these years go. I don’t remember the answer honestly. And I don’t care anymore even if I am not even close to what I thought I would want to become. But I do know that it’s been 10 years now. A decade!! And we are all together. And at a happy place.
And from the gawky, awkward, confused, directionless but full of enthusiasm, curiosity, full of life 20s, we are now transitioning to the 30s..Well, all of that but in a toned down version still holds true but, but it’s just that we are a lot more comfortable in our own skin today.
We have all got wonderful life partners now who are generous and huge – hearted enough to understand this bond. Yes, we have had our share of misunderstandings, hurt feelings, questions and complaints – but we have grown out of it beautifully knowing and understanding each other better. 
S turned 30 today. And whenever he celebrates his birthday, he very cleverly induces his age on to and into us. So, I always live a life a year older than what I am – always. So, in a way, we all somewhere turned 30 this week.  These 10 years were legen.. Wait a minute..dary !!
And here’s to the coming decade!!!!
Dear S,
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!!
3 things I wish for you:
Wishing you a lovely life with your lovely wife / all the professional success which you absolutely deserve / and a lifetime of Salsa :) 
Bonus Wish – You come out with your “J-N” book :) 
3 things which I absolutely adore / admire about you : Your crystal clear heart and straight forwardness , your temper (I don’t remember having  a single fight with you in the last 10 years ) – disagreements yes , but fights – never ! , the brightness and happiness  in your eyes when you dance J
3 things I am thankful for –
The cake and the teddy on my otherwise boring and sad 25th Birthday / for all the support , encouragement and confidence that you gave me (be it for compering / dancing / learning how to take the escalator or  my visa interview / wedding .


Anonymous said...

You know what there are pieces in "you" that you have knowingly or unknowingly picked up from these 2 characters!
Ya itz so imp to have frenz for life...people who can help you grow and then be there to also experience the transformation.
Dare you three go separate ways!!!! I'll always be there to remind u of ur 10,000 contracts to live by;)

Keya said...

@Quneenie - thanks for such a sweet comment :) I dint know that I have some traits of these 2 characters actually in me !!

Sudhish said...

Thank you so much for dedicating a blog to me and Ashish...Loved it to the core...I wished that someday you would write something about me :)... The ups and downs have brought so close to each other that I cant foresee any more downs..its going to be soulful journey.

P.S : i shall write a record book of ur kids someday to return the favour :P

Kavs said...

aww! I'm crying over this post - it warmed up the cockles of my heart!:) Here's to you, A and S - never lose each other. :) And of course K3 will remind you your contracts.
I should take temper management lessns from S and humor from A. And communication lessons from you. :)

Keya said...

@Sudhish - Glad you liked it. And I am going to remember the record book thisg. U know that , I wont forget such things ;)
@Kavs - Thanks :)